1% inspiration: something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create (靈感)
29% perspiration: the clear liquid that forms on your skin when you are hot or nervous = Sweat (汗水)
5% improvisation: to speak or perform without preparation (即興創作)
8% aspiration: something that a person wants very much to achieve (抱負)
7% contemplation: the act of thinking deeply about something (沉思)
15% exploration: the act of exploring something (探索)
13% daily frustration: a feeling of anger or annoyance caused by being unable to do something (日常挫折)
11% imitation: the act of copying or imitating someone or something (模仿)
10.9% desperation: a strong feeling of sadness, fear, and loss of hope (絕望)
0.1% pure elation: a feeling of great happiness and excitement (純粹的喜悅)